DIPP Gathering: Developing Strategies to Reduce Risk
June 3, 2017
Deal Island Fire Hall
DIPP met on June 3rd to develop action teams to select and carry out strategies to address risks, such as ditch maintenance and flooding, shoreline erosion, storm damage, and marsh migration. At the meeting, Michael Paolisso gave an update on the DIPP social network analysis findings, and Liz Van Dolah presented the results from the Risk Assessment worksheets to help guide action team discussions. Participants broke into two groups focused on their prioritized concerns: ditch maintenance and flooding, and shoreline erosion.

Action Teams and Priority Issues
Ditch Maintenance and Sunny Day Flooding:
Group discussions on ditch maintenance and sunny-day flooding led to the formation of two action teams:
1. Sunny Day Flooding Action Team:
Community members on this action team will document locations when flooding occurs along the following roads.
Long Point Road
Riley Roberts Road
Messick Road
Hodson White Road
Wharf Road
Intersection of Crab Island Road and Oriole Back Road
Crab Island Road
If a community member would like to add a location to the list and is willing to document flooding, please contact Sasha Land sasha.land@maryland.gov.
2. Ditch Flooding and Maintenance Action Team:
This action team will have two sub-action teams focused on Dames Quarter and Oriole. Members of these two teams will do an information assessment of the conditions of the ditches and tide gates in these two areas. The DIPP coordinating team is figuring out an easy, efficient and helpful way to do that, and to document the information collected. DIPP coordinators have also reached out to County staff overseeing County roads and found that they do not have maps of the road and non-roadside ditches, but that they do have a list of the tide gates. DIPP coordinators will be in touch the action teams on how best to carry out assessments. Members of the Ditch Flooding and Maintenance Action Team would also like to hold a Community Conversation in the fall for property owners to go over best practices for ditch maintenance now and into the future.
Shoreline Erosion:
The group discussing shoreline erosion concerns identified three stakeholders, Bill Princiotta (Deal Island), Ron Nelson (Deal Island), and Mike Castagnola (Deal Island) as point persons for recommendations on contractors who do bulkhead/riprap repair work. The group also requested a workshop in the fall for technical assistance on appropriate shoreline plantings and other strategies that help reduce erosion. At the request of participants, the DIPP coordinating team has developed an online community discussion forum to enable those interested in shoreline health to continue ongoing discussions and take a more active role in developing action plans. If you are interested in joining the discussion and contributing to the conversation, visit our discussion forum page.