Help us develop a list of local properties in and outside of the focus areas that are experiencing moderate (4-8 ft) or high (8ft or more) annual erosion rates. In comment section below, list property location (with address if possible) with a brief description of the issue (e.g., What's causing it as far as you can tell? Is it happening on a natural shoreline or one with bulkhead or riprap? Roughly when did the problem start?). Photos are helpful as well. Erosion problem areas that we've documented to date include:
Crowell Rd./Hunts Hill natural shoreline property on Deal Island: Significant erosion is occurring along this shoreline, which once had substantial dune structures that provided critical barriers during storm events. The forest area on backside of the shoreline is also dying due to saltwater intrusion. In several locations, the Tangier Sound is on the verge of breaking through to the tidal marsh in the Middle Creek Marsh area, which would increase wave action and erosions rates to interior sections of Deal Island, with potentially severe impacts for the Ballard Road community, a historic church, and Deal Island Road.
Haines Point shoreline at Harrison Point Rd. in Chance: The unmaintained natural shoreline property between Tangier Sound and Haines Pond at the end of Harrison Point Rd. has eroded significantly since Hurricane Sandy, and is beginning to compromise neighboring properties, which are riprapped or bulkheaded. If allowed to persist, erosion could breach Haines Pond, exposing additional properties near Scott’s Cove Marina to flooding, erosion, and storm vulnerabilities.
Little Deal Island: Shoreline erosion on Little Deal Island poses concerns for the harbor area, which causes the harbor to silt in, threatening the commercial vitality of the harbor area. Little Deal erosion also leaves the Harbor area prone to greater storm impacts due to decreased protection.
Crab Island: Erosion of Crab Island is decreasing storm protection to the Champ harbor area, and poses a threat to public infrastructure, surrounding agricultural lands, and residential areas should it persist. In addition, it is causing the Champ inlet to fill in. Some have suggested the need for a jetty off of Crab Island to slow erosion rates, which have only worsened since Sandy.
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