While local government funding for community adaptation projects may be limited, there are a number of other potential funding opportunities available, some of which have been listed below. These include funding opportunities through historic preservation organizations and State agencies, many which are interested in protecting historic structures from environmental impacts, including flooding; faith-based organizations; and groups interested in environmental concerns.
Heritage/Historic Preservation Funding Opportunities:
African American Heritage Preservation Program: Provides grants can assist with brick and mortar needs at properties which are of significance to the African American experience in Maryland; assisted properties are not required to meet any specific definition of "historic". This grant program is managed by the Maryland Historic Trust.
Funding Range: Up to $100,000 (match not required for non-profits)
Website: https://mht.maryland.gov/grants_africanamerican.shtml
Grant Administrator: Charlotte Lake (410-697-9559, charlotte.lake@maryland.gov)
Heritage Areas Funding: Grants to assist projects and properties located within a certified heritage area which have a heritage tourism component. Assisted properties are not required to meet any specific definition of "historic", but must have significant heritage tourism component. This program also offers loans and tax credits. This grant program is managed by the Maryland Historic Trust in partnership with regional directors of State designated heritage areas.
Funding Range: Up to $100,000 (1:1 match)
Grant Administrator: Ennis Barbery Smith (410-697-9555, ennis.smith@maryland.gov)
Capital Grants: Managed the Maryland Historic Trust, this grant program provides assistance with brick and mortar needs at properties which are listed on or eligible for the National Register. Use the Maryland Historic Trust’s "Medusa" interactive map (https://mht.maryland.gov/secure/medusa/) to determine what information has been collected about a certain property, and whether property is listed on the National Register.
Funding Range: Up to $100,000 (match not required for non-profits)
Grant Administrator: Courtney Hotchkiss (410-697-9514, courtney.hotchkiss@maryland.gov)
The Heritage Fund: A joint program of the Maryland Historical Trust and Preservation Maryland, the Heritage Fund provides direct assistance for the protection of endangered cultural resources and promotes innovative education projects that can inform best practices across the state. Non-profit organizations and local jurisdictions are eligible to apply. Eligible projects fall into three general categories: education and research, planning and feasibility, and repair and rehabilitation.
Funding Range: $1,000 - $10,000 (cash or in-kind match of at least 10%)
Website: http://www.preservationmaryland.org/programs/heritage-fund-grants/
The National Trust for Historic Preservation's Bartus Trew Providence Preservation Fund: A grant program designed to encourage preservation at the local level by providing money for the acquisition, maintenance, and preservation of historic landmarks and memorials on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. These grants enable local groups to respond proactively to a preservation challenge by providing funding for property acquisition, bricks and mortar preservation, and technical assistance, while building public awareness of the value of preserving the Eastern Shore’s unique heritage.
Funding Range: $5,000-$25,000 (cash match for at least 50% of funding)
Website: https://forum.savingplaces.org/build/funding/grant-seekers/specialprograms/bartus-trew
Faith-Based Funding Opportunities:
Partners for Sacred Places: A grant program for religious sites that are in operation as religious sites to support the stewardship of their historic facilities. Grant funding can be requested for projects that support capacity building and technical support services, and for capital grants to brick and mortar needs. This program administers assistance fund with the National Trust.
Funding Range: $50,000-$250,000 (1:1 match or 2:1 match, depending on amount requested)
Website: https://fundforsacredplaces.org/
Environmental & Adaptation Funding Opportunities:
Chesapeake Bay Trust Outreach & Restoration Grant Program: This grant is used to encourage outreach and community engagement activities that increase stewardship ethic of natural resources and on-the-ground restoration activities that demonstrate restoration techniques and engage Maryland citizens in the restoration and protection of the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers. The Grant Program fund three tracks that focus on: 1) education and awareness to promote environmental stewardship; 2) implementation projects to restore water quality and habitat; 3) a combination of outreach and restoration.
Funding Range: $30,000-$75,000 (match is encouraged, but not required)
Website: https://cbtrust.org/grants/outreach-and-restoration/
Grant Administrators: Bre’Anna Brooks or Abby Hutzinger (410-974-2941)
Maryland's Community Resilience Grant Program: A grant program through the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Chesapeake and Coastal Services, the Maryland Community Resilience Grant Program supports innovative adaptation projects to address coastal impacts, stormwater hazards, and floodplain flood risks. Proposed projects should fall under one of three phases: 1) Understand, 2) Plan, or 3) Implement. Local governments are eligible to apply for all three phases; Non-profit organizations are only eligible for Phase 3 projects (implementation) and with local government support.
Funding Range: Up to $75,000 for Phase 1 and 2 Projects; Up to $100,000 for Phase 3 Projects.
Website: http://dnr.maryland.gov/ccs/coastsmart/Pages/grants.aspx
Grant Administrators:
Sasha Land - Phase 1 & 2 Projects (sasha.land@maryland.gov)
Nicole Carlozo - Phase 3 Projects (nicole.carlozo@maryland.gov)