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Integrated Coastal Resiliency Assessment

The Assessment Process


Phase 1: 


A flood vulnerability study of the Peninsula now and into the future were developed by the Eastern Shore GIS Coooperative (Salisbury University).  DIPP stakeholders selected 5 focus areas representative of the Deal Island Peninsula to to guide activities in Phase 2. These focus areas were selected using: 1) geospatial mapping of current and future flood and sea level rise scenarios (see flood vulnerability maps), 2) input from the stakeholder network and the broader community on known vulnerabilities, and 3) selection criteria developed by the Project team and stakeholders.  





Phase 2: 


During the summers of 2016 and 2017, DIPP conducted collaborative field assessments (CFAs) to better understand the vulnerabilities of each focus area. The CFAs were conducted through stakeholder interviews, surveys, group field trips, and focus team workshops. These activities were used to identify key social and environmental risks, assess their impacts, and identify priority issues on which to focus: shoreline erosion and tidal ditch flooding. 





Phase 3: 


Focus teams then identified and prioritized projects to address Phase 2 priority issues. Projects were identified sueding selection strategies. During these discussions, focus teams also explored mechanisms for implementing prioritized projects. 






Prioritized Issues 

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